Pregnancy and Foot Pain

Pregnant? Feet Hurt?
You don’t have to be barefoot AND pregnant to cause harm to your feet. Either one adds stress to the feet for different reasons. With pregnancy comes weight gain and typically swelling in the feet (most commonly in the 3rd trimester). The stress on the feet from added weight can result in multiple foot ailments including:
1. Plantar Fasciitis
2. Achilles Tendonitis
3. Peroneal or Posterior Tibial Tendonitis
4. Stress Fractures
5. Ingrown Toenails
There is concern when treating musculoskeletal problems during pregnancy because xrays obviously need to be avoided. A good clinician should be able to diagnose most of these problems without x-ray. MRI’s and other forms of advanced imaging are sometimes needed to confirm a diagnose, so often times the suspected diagnosis is treated without a definite diagnosis, so as not to put the fetus at risk. Supportive shoegear and orthotics will typically decrease the stress enough to either eradicate or at least lessen the pain of the first three ailments listed above. Stress fractures may be immobilized. Ingrown toenails are typically treated in the same manner as when not pregnant.
Added stress from weight is not the only cause for discomfort in the feet during pregnancy. Many women suffer from significant swelling in the feet, especially during the third trimester. This causes much frustration when putting on shoes. It is highly advised that pregnant women have there shoe size checked throughout pregnancy. Pay attention to width and the depth of the toe box, not just the length. Swelling can be controlled with compression hose to some degree, but rest and elevation along with routine exercise to keep the fluid pumping efficiently through your system is the best way to control this common problem.
A well trained Podiatrist will know what treatment regimen is best for each patient. The biomechanics of one pregnant patient will not be the same as another. That is why custom foot orthoses provide the most benefit to patients with problems related to the positioning and balance of their feet, ankles, knees, hips, and back. These devices prevent overpronation and therefore decrease the stress during stance and gait on many structures including the plantar fascia, Achilles Tendon, multiple joints at different levels, and many other soft tissue and bony structures of the foot.
Edema control is done through disciplined use of the compression hose. These come as prefabricated and custom. If they are not worn, then they will not work. Gravity will also decrease swelling. Keep the feet elevated above the level of the heart for the quickest reduction in swelling. This will help reduce pain associated with poor fitting shoegear and general irritation.
Remember: You don’t have to live with your foot pain just because you are pregnant. There are many ways to safely treat problems of the feet and ankles without putting you or your baby at risk. Contact me at Westfield Foot and Ankle, LLC. OR 317-896-6655